Restoring Trout Habitat at the Johnsons Mill Dam

Restoring Trout Habitat at the Johnsons Mill Dam

The District is working with state and federal wildlife agencies to remove the Johnsons Mill Dam in Bakersfield, reconnecting habitat for native brook trout and improving water quality. The Johnsons Mill Dam, built on the Bogue Branch near Witchcat Road, was once a...
Payment for Ecosystem Services

Payment for Ecosystem Services

“Ecosystem services” is the term used to describe any positive benefits the natural world provides to humans. There are four general categories used to describe these services. Provisioning services are the material or energy outputs of ecosystems, including food,...
Farmers Learn Nutrient Management, Write Plans

Farmers Learn Nutrient Management, Write Plans

The Conservation District again provided one-on-one assistance to small, family farms participating in UVM Extension’s Nutrient Management Planning class. “The class was informal enough to make it easy to learn,” reflected Earl Fournier, a long-time...
Update on Tile Drain Monitoring

Update on Tile Drain Monitoring

Here at the District, we collect data for a VT Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets’ (VAAFM) study of tile drain sites across the state. Tile drains are installed under agricultural fields to drain off excess water in wet conditions to help crops grow more...
Green Stormwater Project in St. Johnsbury Wins Award

Green Stormwater Project in St. Johnsbury Wins Award

July 10, 2019 The first neighborhood-scale Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) project used to mitigate combined sewer overflows in Vermont has been installed and recently won an ACEC-VT Engineering Excellence Award. Green Stormwater Infrastructure projects are used...
Conservation Needs *You*

Conservation Needs *You*

The holidays are over, but one song is still playing through my head: All I want for Christmas is you. Because your participation – above and beyond what you’re already doing – is what we most want here at the Conservation District. Probably you are already doing...