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Rural Fire Protection

The mission of the Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force is to improve the safety and welfare of Vermont communities by assisting local fire departments in reducing the risk of injury, loss of life, and damage to property and natural resources.

For questions or comments, please contact Troy Dare, Rural Fire Protection Program Manager, at 802-828-4582 or

1998-2023 Rural Fire Protection Program Report

2023 – 2024 Volunteer Fire Assistance Program Report

Download the 2024 Calendar Year Rural Fire Protection Grant Packet Documents:

2024CY RFP Application Packet Complete 

The Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force is pleased to announce the 22nd year of funding for towns to improve fire suppression capabilities.  The goals of the program are to:    

  • Save lives, by reducing response time and improving both public and firefighter safety.
  • Enable fire fighters to have quicker, easier and safer year round drafting capability.
  • Reduce risks to property and natural resources, both private and public.
  • Lower insurance premiums, both private and public.


  • The maximum grant award is $10,000 per project/system. 25% local match is required.  (Maximum grant could be as much as $20,000 if the project meets other criteria such as project cost, type & date completed).
  • The installation of new dry hydrants & other types of rural water supplies is still the priority of the program, but eligible projects also include repair/upgrade, replacement, relocation of existing rural water supplies (whether previously grant funded or not) and drafting site development (access, stepping stones for portables, etc.)
  • We have application deadlines of April 15, June 15 & August 15. Please submit your application(s) by the appropriate deadline and it will be processed in the order it was received.

Vermont Towns & Fire Departments are eligible for grant funding.  If approved for funding, after sites have been assessed, designed, and estimated, two signed agreements will be required:  

  1. Landowner authorization if the project is to be constructed on privately-owned land. Please see the example included in this packet.  An editable version is available online here.
  2. A grant agreement between the Town or FD and VACD that outlines the project implementation plan, final award amount, and approved budget.

Complete ONE application per proposed installation and email/mail to:

VACD-RFP c/o Troy Dare, 170 Lower Sumner Hill Rd, Sumner, ME 04292

  • Please include any cost estimates and/or descriptions you have for the project with your application.
  • A 25% local match of total project cost is required. Match can be met through cash contributions and/or in-kind services such as labor, materials and equipment usage.

Project completion will involve submitting:

  • Total project expense documentation including local match and copies of invoices & receipts.
  • Project photos before, during, and after completion.
  • News article or other public announcement summarizing the project.
  • Final inspection that includes: a maintenance log started with results from the first back-flush and test of the system, proper guard posts, signage, painting of any exposed PVC pipe, and any other site specific requirements such as water source capacity and access.


Please contact:  Troy Dare, Rural Fire Protection Program Manager, (802) 828-4582 or