Meet the Rutland Team
While working for Vermont’s Green Mountain Conservation Camps, Katie fell in love with Vermont’s natural resources and the process of communicating about stewardship, conservation, and ecosystem services. Since then she has worked for Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and US Forest Service Fish & Wildlife Department. Nearly done with her Master’s degree in Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management, Katie is excited to join RNRCD and grow the District’s breadth of work. Katie is passionate about supporting local landowners and municipalities in floodplain connectivity projects, clean water initiatives, wetland restorations, and agricultural best management practices. When not working, Katie can be found enjoying seasonal activities like paddleboarding, gardening, and xc-skiing with her dogs!
Alan Shelvey, P.E., Supervisor, a retired Civil Engineer lives in Shrewsbury. His career at the Rutland City Department of Public Works spanned over 40 years as an engineer and later Commissioner. He brings his experience in stormwater and regulatory compliance to the board.
Bridget Bowen, dairy farmer, former teacher, and extension agent. Located and very interested
in the Upper Otter Creek watershed.
Michael J Pedone, Supervisor. Michael is a native Vermonter and longtime resident of Clarendon. He retired from Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom. He is a lifetime member, treasurer and trustee of the Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department. He has held the elected office of Town Grand Juror in the Town of Clarendon for many years, is an active member of the Taconic Shooting Club and the Tracking Club of Vermont. His has an interest the environment with a focus on water quality, outdoor sports, hunting, fishing and boating.
Lee spent 44 years in the distribution business, mostly in management at FW Webb. He tends an organic garden, golfs, hunts, fishes, and goes on long walks. He would like to leave the world a better place.