About Otter Creek NRCD

Otter Creek NRCD
Pamela Stefanek, District Manager
68 Catamount Park, Ste. B
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802)-388-6746 ext. 126

Visit the Otter Creek NRCD Website for more information.

The Otter Creek District supports agricultural operators by contracting CREP to plant riparian buffers on 1000 acres to date, and plantings on private land through Trees for Streams, and testing drinking water sources. The Otter Creek District supports programs for the public in Limited Impact Development/Green Infrastructure, Conservation outreach and education, with the sale of conservation items including tree seedlings, and maintains a listing of contractors. Through AOI and RCPP the District has assisted 20 farmers to sign up for nutrient management plans.

Programs and Services   Meet the Team   Contact


2018 Tree Sale

Order deadline: April 15th, 2018
Pickup day: April 28th, 2018, 9:00am – Noon

Download the order form below for complete information & to order trees.

New East Creek Watershed Signage

The Otter Creek NRCD has been working with towns throughout 2018 to install new signs in the East Creek Watershed that will help draw the public’s attention to streams in Addison County, particularly those streams in the Impaired Waters.

There are three towns in the East Creek watershed, which flows directly into Lake Champlain. With funding through a South Lake Champlain Trust Education and Outreach grant in 2018 fifteen signs were purchased and installed throughout these towns in the East Creek watershed primarily at road crossings and headwaters.

This effort coincides with the focus on this watershed by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. NRCS has dedicated funding for water quality improvement in this watershed over the next 4 years.

One of the key actions in the Opportunities for Action Plan for Lake Champlain is for informing and involving the public. Having watershed identification signs in the East Creek watershed is one way of informing the public about what watershed they live in, while encouraging them to get involved in protecting and appreciating their resources.

This project will enhance education and outreach efforts in the Lake Champlain watershed by making the public aware of what watershed they live in and that waters in the Upper Otter Creek watershed are connected to Lake Champlain. The Otter Creek NRCD is looking forward to installing signs in other watersheds in the future and continuing their outreach efforts.