Quick Links
- USDA Conservation Practice Guide
- Resource Guide for Vermont’s New & Aspiring Farmers
- Required Agricultural Practices
- Water Testing
- Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
- Federal Programs
- Additional Programs
- Nutrient Management Plans
- Vermont NRCS Conservations Programs
- Young Farmers Coalition – Farm Service Agency Loans: The Ins & Outs of Growing a Farm with Federal Loans
Conservation Districts – Natural Resource Conservation Districts (NRCD) offer technical assistance, nutrient management planning, and other valuable resources to help agricultural producers implement and sustain conservation practices on the farm. Contact your district today for more information about specific programs. Contact our Communications Coordinator if you need help finding your district.
USDA National Organic Farming Handbook – This handbook was developed to support NRCS conservation planners and other agricultural professionals as they work with organic producers. The handbook describes organic systems and identifies key resources to guide conservation planning and implementation on organic farms.
Vermont Crops & Soils – a comprehensive resource providing information about field and forage crop production and utilization in Vermont and beyond. Sponsored by the University of Vermont Extension and the Department of Plant & Soil Science, this resource also contains The Phosphorous Index, a tool developed to assess the potential for phosphorus runoff from individual fields, based on soil and field characteristics and on management practices.
Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program – An initiative from the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, this program offers one-on-one, in-depth business planning, technical assistance, and management coaching to Vermont farm, food, and forestry enterprises in order to improve the economic viability of Vermont’s working landscape.