How are your trees?

How are your trees?

Here’s a question for you: How are the trees you purchased from our tree sale doing? Every year we distribute thousands of stems through our sale, but rarely do we hear of the lives these trees go on to live (or not live.) There are two reasons we want to know how...
Berkshire farmer works to restore stream

Berkshire farmer works to restore stream

In the Lake Champlain Basin, water defines our landscape. The erosive force of water carves out steep drainages along our mountain faces, adding definition to the Green Mountains’ most iconic peaks. It forms the valleys we inhabit, where the water can spread out, slow...
Restoring Trout Habitat at the Johnsons Mill Dam

Restoring Trout Habitat at the Johnsons Mill Dam

The District is working with state and federal wildlife agencies to remove the Johnsons Mill Dam in Bakersfield, reconnecting habitat for native brook trout and improving water quality. The Johnsons Mill Dam, built on the Bogue Branch near Witchcat Road, was once a...
Payment for Ecosystem Services

Payment for Ecosystem Services

“Ecosystem services” is the term used to describe any positive benefits the natural world provides to humans. There are four general categories used to describe these services. Provisioning services are the material or energy outputs of ecosystems, including food,...