Windham County NRCD unveiled their Adopt-A-Drain community-inclusive mural this summer. The mural was chosen through a children’s art contest and painted by a local artist. Adopt-a-Drain asks residents in the greater Brattleboro area to adopt a storm drain in their...
April 27, 2023— As warmer spring weather brings snowmelt and fullness to Vermont’s waters, the Vermont Agricultural Water Quality Partnership (VAWQP) nods to the investments of farmers to help ensure those waters stay clear. The VAWQP released its 2022 Annual Report...
By Emily Finnegan, Caledonia County Natural Resources Conservation District Phone: (802-424-3149), Email: Mark Milazzo’s determination to protect the clean water of Peacham Pond, where he owns shoreland property, earned him recognition...
By Keith Whitcomb Jr. Staff Writer Work is underway to restore a section of the Cold River’s floodplain in Clarendon and is expected to be completed within weeks. CLARENDON — Work is underway to restore a section of the Cold River’s floodplain, allowing the land to...
In August 2021, the Johnsons Mill Dam was removed from the Bogue Branch in Bakersfield, VT. The project was managed from start to finish by the Franklin County Natural Resources Conservation District. This project was designed to restore natural stream flow and...
Photo: Veinhuis Euroject 3000 manure injector in Pawlet, Vermont Mettowee Valley Equipment Cooperative, Pilot Project in Pawlet The Mettowee Valley, like much of southwest Vermont, is still comprised mostly of small family farms. This year, several farms...
State Natural Resources Conservation Council Chair, Rick Hopkins of East Montpelier, announced on November 19 the availability of nominating petitions for the statewide elections of District Supervisors in each of the fourteen Natural Resource Conservation Districts....
Winooski Conservation District staff and volunteers planted 0.6 acres of riparian buffer along McCabe’s Brook in the LaPlatte River in Spring 2020. Beginning in 2020, Vermont’s Natural Resources Conservation Districts planted 34.25 acres of native trees and...
This year, Conservation Districts across Vermont hosted their annual spring Tree Sales, and they were a great success. With pickups scheduled in May, the eight participating Conservation Districts saw more than 20,000 stems go home with customers. This was the...