Press Releases

Roadside signs highlight farmers’ leadership on water quality

Roadside signs highlight farmers’ leadership on water quality

More than 7,000 acres of corn fields were planted with a cover crop in Franklin County last fall, and thousands more acres received other conservation practices such as no-till planting and conversion to grass crops. In fact, according to a new scorecard by the Union of Concerned Scientists, Vermont ranks first in the nation for use of conservation practices. New roadside signs will help highlight this work that can otherwise be very hard to see.

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ECO*AmeriCorps members aid water quality across Franklin County

ECO*AmeriCorps members aid water quality across Franklin County

Last August marked the third year that ECO*AmeriCorps members have bolstered water quality efforts in Franklin County and throughout Vermont. Members, driven by passion for the environment and curiosity about career paths, bring increasingly impressive expertise from their recent college educations. Brodie Haenke, a graduate of U-Wisconsin, is concluding his second year of service. His first was with the Missisquoi River Basin Association (MRBA) in East Berkshire, and this year he served with the Franklin County Natural Resources…

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Invasive Japanese Knotweed 101

Press Release/ Commentary for Immediate Release Contact: Corrina Parnapy, District Manager Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District Invasive Japanese Knotweed 101 Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica), which closely...

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PO Box 566
Waitsfield, VT 05673

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  1. Make a check payable to "Vermont Association of Conservation Districts"
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "Vermont Association of Conservation Districts"
  3. Please mail your check to:

Vermont Association of Conservation Districts
PO Box 566, Waitsfield, VT 05673 

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and may have tax benefits.

Donation Total: $100